All Volunteers Must Complete the Following:
- Background Check - You must register as a volunteer on our website to complete this online questionnaire
- Live Scan/Fingerprinting (DOJ/FBI) - Complete in person, read below for details.
- Abuse Awareness Training - Complete online, read below for details
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training - Complete online, read below for details
- Concussion Training - Complete online, read below for details
In addition,
all head coaches must also complete:
- Little League Diamond Leader Training - MUST COMPLETE ALL BACKGROUND CHECKS, LIVE SCANS, AND TRAINING BY FEBRUARY 1ST!READ BELOW FOR DETAILSThank you for volunteering with Burbank Little League. We believe in the power of youth baseball and softball to teach life lessons that build stronger individuals and communities. We are 100% volunteer-run by parents and Burbank community members just like you!
Background Check
As part of its Child Protection Program, Little League International (LLI) requires all leagues and districts in the United States to conduct a background check, including a nationwide criminal search, a search of the National Sex Offender Registry, review of the U.S. Center for SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database and LLI Ineligible List. LFLL utilizes J.D Palatine (JDP), which is LLI’s preferred provider, to conduct its background checks. A background check is required on an annual basis, based on LLI’s fiscal period of October 1 – September 30.
This Little League-required background check will be emailed to you shortly after you complete registration. This will consist of an email questionnaire and authorization. You must sign up as a volunteer in the system to complete this.
Live Scan
California passed a legislative bill, Assembly Bill No. 506, effective January 1, 2022, that requires a fingerprint-based background check for individuals (18 and older) who have direct contact with players. To be safe, BLL has determined that this law would apply to all Board Members, coaches, Team Parents, plus any additional adults who help at practices on a consistent basis. Live Scan is operated by the Dept of Justice. You can find additional info at
Please note, this Live Scan is a one-time requirement. If you completed this for Burbank Little League last year, you do not need to complete this again. Prior Live Scans completed for any other organization (e.g. AYSO) are not valid. You MUST complete a specific Live Scan for Burbank Little League.
To complete your Live Scan, fill out the "Applicant Information" section of this form and take it to a Live Scan provider. We have partnered with Pak & Ship All on San Fernando Blvd and if you complete your Live Scan at this location it will be at no cost to you. We will also try to arrange for a mobile Live Scan service to attend our Coach Safety Training event on February 1st, which will also be at no cost to you.
There are three (four if you are a Head Coach) required training courses that all volunteers must complete prior to the start of the season: Concussion, Abuse Awareness, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest. This training is required to be completed every year. In addition, head coaches have a new additional training requirement, the Little League Diamond Leader Certification. Information on the required training, and how to upload your completed course certificates, is below.
IMPORTANT: When you complete these courses, you must upload the certificates to the following Google Drive location:
Please note that this training is now required every year, so a prior year’s certificate will not be accepted. When uploading, PLEASE use the following naming convention for your uploaded files: “LASTNAME_TYPEofCERT_DATEofCERT”.
examples: SMITH_CONCUSSION_110923, SMITH_ABUSE_110923, or SMITH_CARDIAC_110923
If you have trouble uploading the certs, please email them to [email protected]
Training Required for All Volunteers:
- Concussion Training – We are using the following course provided by the CDC:
You must create an account or log in. The course should take about an hour. At the end of the course, you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.
- Abuse Awareness – We are using the USA Baseball course available at the following website:
You must first create an account and log in. You may have to select the Education tab, then Courses, and scroll down to the Abuse Awareness for Adults course. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.
- Sudden Cardiac Arrest – We are using the following course from the Eric Paredes Save A Life Foundation:
You must first create an account and log in. The course should take about half an hour. At the end of the course, you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.
For Head Coaches only, we have one additional training requirement:
- Little League Diamond Leader Certification – This course is provided by Little League International at the following link:
You must first create an account and log in. The course should take about half an hour. At the end of the course, you will take a quiz. Upon successful completion you will also be able to print out a Certificate showing where you met the requirement for this training.